P.O. Box 452058, Los Angeles, CA 90045 (310) 216-9265 --
History of the Society
At the first American Congress on Anaerobic Bacteria and Anaerobic Infections held at Marina
del Rey, CA on July 24-26, 1992, a business meeting was held to consider setting up a new society for
those interested in anaerobes, anaerobic infections, and related matters. There was overwhelming support
for such a society. The society has been formed under the name ANAEROBE SOCIETY OF THE AMERICAS, INC. and is
registered as a non-profit corporation status in the state of California. The first permanent officers were
elected at the 1994 meeting. The society holds meetings every two years.
Purposes of the Society
The mission of the Anaerobe Society of the Americas (ASA) is to promote the quality of health care and
advance science through the study of anaerobic bacteria and their environments, by:
- stimulating interest in anaerobes and encouraging and facilitating interchange among anaerobists
from all disciplines, including medical, dental, veterinary, environmental and basic sciences.
- bringing together investigators, clinicians, and technicians interested in anaerobes and anaerobic
infections for formal and informal meetings.
- reviewing and assessing new advances in the field.
- discussing areas of controversy.
- marking future directions.
Benefits of the Society:
Scientific Meetings
- these will consist of invited presentations, free papers, discussions, and posters.
- participants are encouraged to submit abstracts and describe the results of their original research.
- members will receive a copy of the published Abstract Book of all ASA meetings.
- workshops.
- opportunities to meet others in the field, to exchange ideas, and to learn about research being done in
other disciplines (e.g. dentistry, veterinary medicine etc.) with anaerobes.
- members will receive discounts to the electronic and print editions of the Anaerobe journal.
- members will have an opportunity to receive communications via the Anaerobe e-mail network.
Published proceedings of meetings:
- The first Proceedings appeared in the June 1993 issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases
(Volume 16, supplement 4)
- The second proceedings appeared in the June 1995 issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases
(Volume 20, supplement 2)
- The third proceedings appeared in the September 1997 issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases
(Volume 25, supplement 2)
- The fourth proceedings appeared in the July/August 1999 issue of Anaerobe (Volume 5,
number 3/4)
- Presentations from later Congress appeared in issues of Anaerobe; abstracts are accessible at our web
2022-2024 Board
President: Vince Young, M.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Vice President: Yiping Han, Ph.D. Columbia University, New York, NY
Secretary: Francisco Uzal, , D.V.M. University of California, Davis, CA
Treasurer: Ellie J.C. Goldstein, M.D. R.M. Alden Research Lab, Santa Monica
Executive Director: Ronald Goldman, Ph.D.
Karen Carroll, M.D. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Laurie Cox, Ph.D. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Kevin W. Garey, Ph.D. University of Houston, Houston, TX
Caroline A. Genco, Pharm.D. Tufts University, Boston, MA
Sarah Kuehne, Ph.D. University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Daniel Paredes-Sabja, Ph.D. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
A. Krishna Rao, MD, M.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Aimee Shen, Ph.D. Tufts University, Boston, MA
Audrey N. Shuetz, M.D. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Casey Theriot, Ph.D. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Francisco Uzal, , D.V.M. University of California, Davis, CA
Past Presidents
Sydney M. Finegold, M.D. - Founding President (1992-1996)
Ellie J.C. Goldstein, M.D (1996-2000)
David W. Hecht, M.D. (2000-2002)
Stephen D. Allen, M.D. (2002-2004)
Dennis L. Stevens, M.D. (2004-2006)
Stuart Johnson, M.D. (2006-2008)
Bennett Lorber, M.D. (2008-2010)
Cynthia L. Sears, M.D. (2011-2012)
Dale N. Gerding, M.D. (2013-2014)
David Aronoff, M.D. (2015-2016)
Jeanne Marrazzo, M.D. (2017-2018)
David Fredericks, M.D. (2018-2022)